Men’s haircut includes a clipper cut with shears on top
Ages 13+
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Mens Haircut
Men’s haircut includes a clipper cut with shears on top Ages 13+ Incluye máquina y tijera
Men’s haircut includes a clipper cut with shears on top Ages 13+ Incluye máquina y tijera
Includes shear cut all over, long or short hair (price varies) Incluye tijera en todo el cabello, largo o corto (precio varea)
Kids haircut Ages: 0-12 Corte de niñ@s Edades: 0-12
Trim/shape up beard with clippers/trimmers/shears I do not service with the straight razor at this time. Delineado de barba con máquina/tijera Por el momento no utilizo la navaja
Eyebrows $10 Lip $5 Price varies
Shampoo wash
Women’s shampoo and blowout